Monday, May 10, 2010

Team Building Exercise or decide

Our property managers are doing their part to help conserve water due to the flooding in Nashville. This means that those of us on the 8th floor have to travel down to at least the 4th floor in order to use the restroom. We have turned this into a mini-team game and when one of us goes, we ask the others and often travel down to the bathroom in a twosome or a pod of three.

Today, as we head down for a late morning break together, one of my team members asks how much toilet paper we use on a given day. Most amusing is the fact that that someone else is already in the bathroom when we walk in and she asks this question anyway.

She mentions recently having this conversation with friends and that she and her partner (both female) go through about a roll every day to day and a half. I live with two males so my usage will be different. A, the other team member, lives with her husband and 11 year old daughter.
So, since we are in the bathroom all together, I suggest we each take from the roll what we use each time we go, using number 1 as a reference. We will leave number 2 for some other random day. We then share our wad with each other. Two of us have a small wad, roughly 4-6 squares of toilet paper. The original question asker has a strand of toilet paper as long as her arm span.

What amazes me even more, and I pointed this out to her, is that both of them are out of the house for at least 8 hours with working and commute and yet they still go through that much tiolet paper a day.

So, how much toilet paper do you use?

Friday, May 7, 2010

Asleep In Arms

Dear Ian,

Today I watched you fall asleep in your grandmother's arms. You had refused to take a nap at school today. When you do that you try to stay as busy as possible to stay awake. You had a large banana and 3 mandarin oranges for dinner!

It's a tradition that we go over to grandma's house every Friday after I pick you up from school. Often your Aunt Rebecca joins us and we all have dinner and catch up on the week. We went outside so grandma and aunt Becca could smoke and so you could have some fresh air as you really like to be outside.

You became fussy and clumsy, sure signs you are getting sleepy. I bounced you on my knees for some time and then grandma took over. I watched your eyes slowly close. I watched your little red cheeks soften and flush, not only with heat, but with the softness of baby sleep.

I looked at my mother holding you and realized the fragility of life, of family relations. My mother, your grandma, is 70 years old. It is possible that she will not see you graduate high school. It is possible that you may not remember much of her. That makes me sad to think. I hope that she will be around, and cognizant, to see you grow into a young man.

Because you may not remember, and because I want to remember, I took a few pictures. I only had my cell phone with me and your grandma hates to have her picture taken so these aren't the best pictures, but at least I have them. I know that I can look back at the photo and remember the moment, remember how full my heart was looking at the two of you.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Power of People

I love my photographer with all my heart. He has been there with me for my engagement, wedding, maternity photos and now to capture the ever changing joy that is my son. I also dislike to have my photograph taken and yet I am always happy with the photos he takes.

I also love to support local businesses when I can.

Yesterday this was their facebook status:
Tucker Photography: Our hearts go out to everyone who lost their homes in this weekend's flood. Do not worry about your portraits, we will gladly replace any prints at no charge to our customers. God bless.

This is why they have my business. This is why I will always support them. They are generous, caring, honest and hardworking people. These are the type of people you want to know in good times and bad.

I challenge you to think about this kind of thing when you next choose to purchase any kind of service from a company.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dear Man Sitting Next To Me At Lunch

It was a beautiful day outside. Sunny, enough of a breeze to be comfortable, and good food. You and your wife were eating lunch with your friend. I had noticed your friend had lots of healing slashes on his leg. Appeared to be from a bypass operation and that was confirmed with hearing your conversation.

That didn't bother me at all. It's good that you had been through that before and could be there for your friend. You talked about how long parts of you hurt or tingled and how long it took you to heal. And your cell phone rang about every 2 minutes.

That didn't bother me at all.

However, I did not need to see your hairy 3rd trimester belly (and more) when you lifted your shirt to show your friend how well your scar had healed.

That I did bother me. Did you think before you lifted your shirt? I'm really a liberal person, but I would not feel the need to lower my pants in public and show another woman how well my c-section scar was healing. Though I bet that most men would not mind that so much.

Please, men with pot bellies, please do not lift your shirts in public.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Wonderful Jewelry Giveaway that Celebrates Women & Mothers

Check it out:

Wonderfully Made Bellies and Babies. She is highlighting an incredible artist and doula with a drawing for her jewelry. Visit her on Facebook and Etsy as well.

Celebrate womanhood and International Doula Month  in May.